I've been a little MIA the last week or so because I made the 18 hour drive to my mom's in Northern Michigan to help her move from our family home into an apartment. It's been a long 2 weeks! I did, however, take some pics before I left so I would have something to share with you while I was gone!
I bought an old office chair (I guess it was an office chair, maybe a stool??) at an antique store and was on the look out for another, when I walked into the back room where I work and there was the identical chair! I couldn't believe it! My boss told me I could have it, he was going to throw it away because it was a piece of junk! Can you believe it?! Junk?! That just makes it even better!! Of course I don't have a before pic, because I'm always too excited to get started on a project and forget to take one!
But here they are all spiffed up! They started out an ugly grey with brown seats. I spray painted them "Graphite" It's hard to tell by the photo but there is a little sparkle in the paint!
After painting the chairs, I stenciled numbers on the backs. 9 is our lucky number and there are 5 of us. I used Martha Stewarts "Wedding Cake" acrylic paint.
Next, I wanted a little more padding on the seats so I cut a piece of cardboard the same size and shape as the existing seat, then covered it with a couple layers of batting. Using the glue gun (my favorite tool!) I glued the batting to the underside of the cardboard.
I found an old feed sack at a flea market and gave it the same treatment as the batting!
I bought an old office chair (I guess it was an office chair, maybe a stool??) at an antique store and was on the look out for another, when I walked into the back room where I work and there was the identical chair! I couldn't believe it! My boss told me I could have it, he was going to throw it away because it was a piece of junk! Can you believe it?! Junk?! That just makes it even better!! Of course I don't have a before pic, because I'm always too excited to get started on a project and forget to take one!
But here they are all spiffed up! They started out an ugly grey with brown seats. I spray painted them "Graphite" It's hard to tell by the photo but there is a little sparkle in the paint!
After painting the chairs, I stenciled numbers on the backs. 9 is our lucky number and there are 5 of us. I used Martha Stewarts "Wedding Cake" acrylic paint.
Next, I wanted a little more padding on the seats so I cut a piece of cardboard the same size and shape as the existing seat, then covered it with a couple layers of batting. Using the glue gun (my favorite tool!) I glued the batting to the underside of the cardboard.
I found an old feed sack at a flea market and gave it the same treatment as the batting!
Linking to:
Not Just a Housewife: http://www.notjustahousewife.net/
Savy Southern Style: http://savvysouthernstyle.blogspot.com/
The Well Crafted Home: http://thewellcraftedhome.blogspot.com/
Uncommon: http://www.uncommondesignsonline.com/
Shabby Creek Cottage: http://www.theshabbycreekcottage.com/
Somewhat Simple: http://www.somewhatsimple.com/
The 36th Avenue: http://www.the36thavenue.com/
Crafty Scrappy Happy: http://www.craftyscrappyhappy.net/
Saved By Love/Thrifty Thursdays: http://savedbylovecreations.com/
Doodles and Stitches: http://www.doodlesandstitches.com/